Nestled in the storied heart of Deadwood, a city with a past as rich and colorful as the gold rush that birthed it, stands a relic of a bygone era—an era where the night was never young, and the streets whispered secrets of illicit rendezvous. For over a century, from 1876 until a dramatic closure in 1980 following a federal raid, Deadwood harbored an industry that thrived in the shadows, yet in many ways, shaped the very foundation of the community. This is the tale of Deadwood’s bordellos, particularly the famed establishment located at 610 Main Street, known during its operation as the Shasta Rooms. Offering a unique window into a chapter of Deadwood's history that many have forgotten, this site now welcomes visitors to step back in time and explore the hidden narrative of Deadwood’s houses of ill repute.

The Brothel Deadwood

The Legacy of a Forbidden Industry

At the heart of Deadwood's Main Street, the second stories of unassuming buildings were once alive with clandestine activities. The bordellos of Deadwood were more than mere establishments of vice; they were institutions that significantly influenced the cultural and economic tapestry of the city throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. To wander through these spaces today is to understand a piece of the social dynamics and complexities that fueled the city’s growth and contributed to its legendary status in American history.

The Brothel Deadwood

A Journey Through Time: The Shasta Rooms

Embark on a guided tour of the original Shasta Rooms at 610 Main Street, where the echoes of the past meet the curiosity of the present. Guests have the unique opportunity to traverse the very rooms that once served as the backdrop for stories untold, each corner and corridor meticulously curated with period-appropriate furnishings and artifacts. This immersive experience not only educates but also transports visitors through the 104-year saga of Deadwood’s underground, revealing the human side of a narrative often left untold.

Admission & Tours

It is suggested that visitors should be at least 16 years of age to enter.