View a hot air balloon launch from the Stratobowl, located near Rapid City.
Spectators can view the launch from the Stratobowl Rim Trail. It's a short trail walk, up to 1 mile, for the best viewing.
For directions to the trailhead, click here:
Viewing is not allowed from the launch field, as it is PRIVATE PROPERTY.
Unfortunately, the launch is not a guarantee because it is weather dependent. Pilots will determine if the conditions are safe prior to launch. Sometimes we cancel last minute, but we do our best to communicate in real time. Please check for updates on the main page throughout the course of the weekend.
Facitilities, such as bathrooms, coffee, etc, are not available. This is an invitation to view a hot air balloon launch, not an organized event. Please plan accordingly by bringing water, chairs, cameras, etc, and please be safe when parking and walking to the viewing area. 
