Shop the Best in Outdoor Gear
The Expo features a diverse collection of over 100 dealers and vendors, offering everything from the latest in outdoor gear to classic must-haves for your adventures. Whether you're looking to upgrade your camping setup, grab some new fishing equipment, or find the perfect outdoor apparel, the Black Hills Sports Show has something for every outdoor lover. With exclusive deals and specials, you'll be able to score the best prices on high-quality products.
Fun for the Whole Family
It’s not just about shopping—it’s about having fun and learning something new! The Black Hills Sports Show & Outdoor Expo offers a variety of educational and entertainment opportunities for the whole family. From interactive demonstrations to exciting competitions, there's something to engage everyone, from young adventurers to seasoned outdoor experts. It’s the perfect way to make memories while exploring the great outdoors!
Don’t Miss Out!
Whether you're an avid outdoor enthusiast or just getting started, the Black Hills Sports Show & Outdoor Expo is the ultimate destination for all things outdoor. Mark your calendars and get ready for a weekend full of shopping, learning, and fun for the entire family. This is the event that promises to inspire your next great adventure!